Celeste YoungMeditation Teacher

    Celeste first started formal meditation practice in 2002. In 2011, she was invited to join the first teacher development cohort at InsightLA under the guidance of founder Trudy Goodman, PhD and has since taught thousands of students mindfulness meditation. She teaches intermediate Buddhist and secular mindfulness classes, daylongs, and residential retreats throughout Los Angeles and globally. From 2012 – 2019 she served as the core teacher for ILA’s Essentials of mindfulness program, teaching multiple classes a week on an ongoing basis that introduced people to the fundamentals of meditation.

    Upon request, she teaches meditation for non-profit organizations and companies. Additionally, Celeste offers private sessions globally online and on a limited basis in person in Los Angeles for individuals and small groups both as a Dharma teacher and in her role as a life balance practitioner and change and transition strategist. This work supports individuals and groups in aligning more deeply with their values and meeting life changes skillfully.

    Celeste has sat multiple silent meditation retreats in the Insight tradition each year for over a decade and considers this a strong support to her practice. She’s a graduate of Spirit Rock’s Advanced Practitioner Program, and has participated in Peter Levine’s Somatic Experiencing training. She is a current member of the InsightLA teacher council and also mentors new teachers in teaching the essentials of mindfulness globally through Jack Kornfield and Tara Brach’s Mindfulness Meditation Teacher Certification program. She has received formal teacher authorization in the Theravadan Buddhist lineage from Trudy Goodman, PhD and Jack Kornfield.

    Celeste is passionate about sharing mindfulness and meditation in creative and innovative ways. She enjoys sharing the teachings in a wide variety of settings with many different communities, offering mindfulness gatherings, retreats, and collaborations in an effort to make the teachings accessible to a wider range of Angelenos as well as the global community, and to spread the word that you can truly sit anywhere. She is also the founding teacher of the dana based Sunday night sitting group for folks in their 20’s + 30’s Sunday nights at InsightLA.

    Learn more about Celeste and her regular offerings:




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    Beth Sternlieb insightla meditation teacherThomas Davis Meditation Teacher Insight LA