Kimber Simpkins

Kimber Simpkins Meditation Teacher Big Bear Retreat Center BRBC

Kimber (She/her), for over twenty years, has been learning and teaching how to use meditation and movement to improve our relationships with our bodies, our spirits, our communities, and our world.

Kimber is a white, cis, queer mom and author who’s taught movement and mindfulness in the San Francisco Bay area for more than twenty years, bringing a body love and social justice perspective to teaching and learning. As a dharma practitioner, Kimber has witnessed first hand how the practice of mindfulness brings more compassion, connection, and joy to relationships and to life. Lately she has been diving deep into the devotional practices of Kwan Yin, which are tremendously nourishing and transformative. She’s also enjoying getting to know my healed ancestors and learning how to invite them into my life.

Kimber is immensely grateful to my teachers who include Noliwe Alexander, Carol Cano, JD Doyle, Amana Brembry Johnson, Thanissara and Kittisaro, Larry Yang, Spring Washam, Pema Chodron, Carlos Pomeda, and so many more. All of her work is infused with a Buddhist Dharma social justice and racial justice perspective.

Kimber is  a big believer in therapy, but is not a therapist. She offers instead compassionate listening, spiritual mentorship, and support for movement and meditation practice.



Full: How I Learned to Satisfy My Insatiable Hunger and Feed My Soul 2015 New Harbinger

52 Ways to Love Your Body 2016 New Harbinger

Events with Kimber Simpkins

Online Special Event: Ancestors Welcome Here
October 5, 2024

Ancestral Healing Practice Period for White Practitioners Committed to Racial Justice Saturday, October 5th 10am – 12pm (PST) Registration closes October 3rd at 11:59pm Pacific Time In this special day of practice we will explore healing, and the action we can take to end injustice in the world, with the support of our wise and loving ancestors, the Earth and all our relationships. This ancestral healing work makes it possible for us to more fully embody our commitment to racial justice. White people*: We need all the help we can get.  Who can we be today to change the conditions…

Ancestors Welcome Here
December 3 - 8, 2024

Ancestral Healing Retreat For White Practitioners Committed to Racial Justice Tuesday, December 3rd – Sunday, December 8th  Registration closes November 25th at 11:59pm Pacific Time White people*: We need all the help we can get.  Who can we be today to change the conditions of our world for the better, to right the wrongs of the past in the present, and to find the way to the future, so we can become good ancestors to the world to come? Working at the level of the body, we will welcome our wise and loving ancestors of blood and bone to extend…

Contact Us

Connect with us at Big Bear Retreat Center.