Em Morrison

Em Morrison Meditation Teacher Big Bear Retreat Center BBRC

Em became interested in mindfulness and meditation in 2011 because she was having the best day of her life (just kidding). She loves nothing more than creating safe, fun, and healthy spaces for teens and adults to flourish. She has taught mindfulness at afterschool programs, summer camps, and on adult, young adult, and teen retreats.

She’s a regular member of IMCW’s LGBTQIA+ sangha and previously served on the IMCW Board of Directors and its Diversity, Equity and Inclusion (DEI) group.

She’s been a guiding teacher for the Yearlong Mindfulness Teacher Certification Program with Mindful Schools for two years, where she’s helping to develop new courses. She focuses on Non-Violent Communication and restorative justice along with teaching the dharma as practices for personal AND collective liberation.

When referred to in the third person, Em uses the pronouns she/her.

Events with Em Morrison

Ancestors Welcome Here
December 3 - 8, 2024

Ancestral Healing Retreat For White Practitioners Committed to Racial Justice Tuesday, December 3rd – Sunday, December 8th  Registration closes November 25th at 11:59pm Pacific Time White people*: We need all the help we can get.  Who can we be today to change the conditions of our world for the better, to right the wrongs of the past in the present, and to find the way to the future, so we can become good ancestors to the world to come? Working at the level of the body, we will welcome our wise and loving ancestors of blood and bone to extend…

Contact Us

Connect with us at Big Bear Retreat Center.