Yong Oh

Yong Oh meditation insight teacher Big Bear Retreat Center BBRC

Yong Oh serves as a teacher on the Dharma Council for the Durango Dharma Center and is a core teacher for Sacred Mountain Sangha. Yong began meditating through the Soto Zen tradition and eventually transitioned to study, practice and teach in the Insight tradition. He teaches retreats at the Insight Meditation Society, Spirit Rock Meditation Center and Vallecitos Mountain Retreat Center, as well as being a visiting teacher for other community centers across the US and Canada.

 Yong is a graduate of the 4-year Insight Meditation Society Retreat Teacher Training program, Spirit Rock Meditation Center’s 2-year Community Dharma Leaders program, and the Sacred Mountain Sangha 2-year Dharmapala training, taught by his primary teachers Kittisaro and Thanissara. He has also worked as a coach for the Ten Percent Happier app, as a mentor for the Mindfulness Meditation Teacher Certification Program, as faculty for the Mindfulness Mentor Training program and as a mentor for Cloud Sangha. He is currently a participant in the 2-year Nature Dharma Retreat Teacher Training program.

Yong is also an acupuncturist, loves mountains and forests and bringing the practice of meditation into nature. He also has a particular interest in devotional expression, and supporting caregivers as well as communities of color in the Dharma.

Events with Yong Oh

The Limitless Heart: Cultivating Metta In Turbulent Times
November 6 - 12, 2024

A Silent Insight Meditation Retreat Wednesday, November 6th – Tuesday, November 12th Registration closes October 29th at 11:59pm Pacific Time This retreat will focus on the cultivation of mettā.  Mettā, usually translated as loving-kindness is an inner state of friendliness, benevolence, goodwill and universal positive regard.  The Buddha said that when we develop mettā, “no limiting action remains.”  Which is to say that we get freed from the limitations of the heart.   Mettā is an antidote to fear, anxiety, agitation, anger and frustration so it’s a timely practice for these times of climate crisis, wars on many fronts and an…

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