Kim Allen

Kim Allen Meditation Teacher Big Bear Retreat Center BRBC

Kim Allen has been practicing Insight meditation since 2003, and has trained intensively in the U.S. and Asia with Western teachers, Theravādan monastics, and masters of other Buddhist traditions. Trained by Gil Fronsdal at the Insight Meditation Center and Insight Retreat Center, she offers Dharma programs, sutta study, and retreats in the U.S., internationally, and online, weaving classical Dharma into a contemporary context.

Events with Kim Allen

When Awareness Becomes Natural
August 19 - 28, 2024

***Retreat Update: Unlimited financial support spots are available for this retreat. Please contact us if cost is a barrier in any way!*** A Silent Insight Meditation Retreat Monday, August 19th – Wednesday, August 28th Registration closes August 11th at 11:59pm Pacific Time   In this 9-night/10-day retreat, we will explore Vipassana meditation in the practice style of Sayadaw U Tejaniya. Sayadaw’s approach is free from rigid forms, influenced by his previous life as a layperson and his interest in adaptable practice. Nonetheless, his teachings are rigorous, emphasizing Right View, Awareness, and a relaxed, gentle, continuous practice attitude throughout the…

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