Ayya Santussika

headshot of Ayya Santussika bhikkuni meditation retreat teacher at big bear retreat center

Ayya Santussika is a Theravada bhikkhuni who is trained and practicing in the Thai Forest tradition. Her faith in the Dhamma developed during many visits to monasteries of Ajahn Chah and his disciples in Thailand, America, England, New Zealand, and Australia beginning in 1998. She has been training as a nun since 2005 in large and small monasteries in both England and America. In 2012, she received full ordination as a bhikkhuni and founded Karuna Buddhist Vihara, where she currently lives, located in the Santa Cruz Mountains near Boulder Creek, California. Her Dhamma teachings are primarily based on the Pali suttas.

Events with Ayya Santussika

Disentangling the Tangle: Finding Freedom in Relationship with Ourselves, Others, and the World
June 30 - July 6, 2025

This in-person retreat is open to all genders. Basic experience in meditation is required. Registration for this retreat closes on June 16, 2025 at 11:59pm Pacific Time. If looking to join after this date, please inquire at guestservices@bigbearretreatcenter.org Working with the Four Establishments of Mindfulness, we will explore how we create entanglements and therefore can free ourselves from these recurring patterns. Turning towards these tangles with kindness and understanding allows the metabolizing and releasing of old habits. As we practice in this way, based on the Buddha’s wisdom, we develop increased clarity and confidence in meeting the challenges of daily…

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