Celeste Young

Celeste Young is a Theravadin Buddhist mindfulness and Dharma teacher. She has been practicing meditation and sitting retreats since 2002. She was one of the first teachers to be empowered at InsightLA, a nonprofit Buddhist and secular mindfulness organization based in Los Angeles.

Since 2011, Celeste has worked with thousands of meditation and Dharma students teaching Buddhist Dharma and mindfulness classes, leading silent meditation retreats, and working with individual students. She teaches both in the US and internationally. Additionally, she has led corporate sessions and retreats for organizations such as Netflix and the University of Southern California.

For the last 13 years, her own practice has been centered around yearly long silent retreats in the Insight meditation tradition lasting from one to three months in length. In 2022 she also became a certified Life Balance Strategist and is extremely passionate about this work which empowers people to make mindful change in their lives. She sees life balance work and Dharma teaching and practice as a pragmatic way of supporting people in living their deeper values and navigating their lives with much more clarity and well being. Sharing in the Dharma with others brings her immense joy.


Events with Celeste Young

Weaving Ourselves Back into the Fabric of Life: An Exploration of the Four Distortions of Perception
October 20 - 26, 2024

A Silent Meditation Retreat: Dana-based retreat in the monastic tradition (donate at any amount) Sunday, October 20th – Saturday, October 26th Registration closes October 6th at 11:59pm Pacific Time   An Exploration of the Four Distortions of Perception Join us for an in person retreat in the beautiful San Bernardino mountains and deepen your practice within this secluded setting in nature. For this particular retreat, our theme will be clearing up the Four Distortions of Perception, or Vipallasas as they are known in Pali. Seeing what is impermanent (anicca) as permanent (nicca ) Seeing what is painful (dukkha) as pleasant…

Program Template 2025 - Residential (lodging rates)__Simplicity + Stillness: Cultivating the 5 Spiritual Strengths
April 16 - 20, 2025

This in-person retreat is open to both beginners and experienced practitioners. During this weeklong spring insight meditation retreat, we will learn to slow down and attune to the fresh simplicity of our present moment experience, rest in stillness, and connect with the heart’s inner capacity for healing and freedom. We will be exploring the cultivation of the 5 spiritual strengths or the 5 spiritual faculties that the Buddha taught: cultivating mindfulness, confidence or trust, persistence, concentration, and wisdom to support the development of our meditation practice. We’ll tend to the heart and mind with compassionate mindfulness and strengthen our connection…

Contact Us

Connect with us at Big Bear Retreat Center.