Matthew Brensilver

Matthew Brensilver Teacher BBRC Big Bear Retreat Center

Matthew Brensilver, PhD, offers retreats at Spirit Rock Meditation Center and the Insight Retreat Center. For more than a decade, he taught for Against the Stream Buddhist Meditation Society.

He continues to teach at UCLA Mindful Awareness Research Center about the intersections between mindfulness and mental health. He spent years doing research on addiction treatment at the UCLA Center for Behavioral and Addiction Medicine and continues to be interested in the unfolding dialogue between dharma and science.

Events with Matthew Brensilver

Love and Rest 2024
September 25 - 30, 2024

A Silent Insight Meditation Retreat Wednesday, September 25th – Monday, September 30th Registration closes September 17th at 11:59pm Pacific Time We often long for love, both giving and receiving, but the busyness of life and the agitation of our minds do not create the conditions for love to arise. In dharma practice, we find love naturally arises when we rest deeply. When we let go of the dissatisfaction of endless grasping, we experience loving awareness itself. As we do this, we discover what’s been waiting there all along, a softening of the heart, a truly satisfying love. The daily rhythm…

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